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The Wisdom, Humor & Wit of Yesterday...
Connecting With Today
A Sad Day...particularly for someone who regarded him as a mentor for over 25 years. There will never be another...

This site is NOT meant to be a tribute to Mark Twain, but rather a living acknowledgement of an icon who became one of the most acclaimed authors and sought-after speakers of the past two centuries. His thought, wisdom, wit, and humor are as profound and applicable today as they were a hundred fifty years ago.
It is a desire, that through my attempt to emulate this great Humorist, we can all…particularly our children, become intimately aware and familiar with the impact this man had on our history, our consciousness, and our humanity.
There are endless opportunities for your business or organization to embrace his unique presence.
For For Your Entertainment
Keynote Addresses
Corporate Functions
Fundraising Events
Direct an Orchestra
Now...bringing to life his musical talents...conducting an orchestra near you
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